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Use Your Excellent Credit to Obtain the Perfect Credit Card

April 23, 2020

According to Experian, an “excellent” or “exceptional” credit score falls in the range of 800 to 850. While it’s a challenge to reach this level, once you’re there you’ll realize it can benefit you in a number of ways. For example, if you have excellent credit, you’re likely to qualify for almost every credit card offer. And that greatly increases the likelihood of finding one that meets all (or most) your requirements. While knowledge of your excellent credit score is
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Got Excellent Credit? You Can Still Benefit from a Balance Transfer Credit Card

October 18, 2019

There is no better feeling than looking at your credit score and realizing that it falls into the excellent range. It takes a lot of hard work to achieve an excellent credit score, so you should be proud of yourself. However, there’s something to remember: just because you have excellent credit doesn’t necessarily mean you have no debt.  Depending on the type of debt you’re carrying, you may find that consolidation is in your best interest. For example, a balance
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How to Maintain an Excellent FICO Score

September 15, 2019

An excellent or exceptional FICO score can have a positive impact on many aspects of your finances. For example, when you’re applying for a credit card, a high FICO score improves the likelihood of an approval. According to Fair Isaac Corporation, an excellent FICO score falls between 800 and 850. Here’s some additional information directly from the company: “This credit score is well above the average score of U.S. consumers and clearly demonstrates to lenders that the borrower is an
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