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Best Practices For Paying Your Credit Card Bill On Time

July 20, 2018

Best Practices For Paying Your Credit Card Bill On Time With credit card debt at a record high, there’s no better time than now to review your finances with an eye toward avoiding trouble. Like millions of others, you use a credit card to make a variety of purchases. And like millions of others, you receive a bill once a month. It’s critical to implement a plan for paying your credit card bill on time, every time. Neglecting to do
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How to Avoid Paying Credit Card Late Fees

July 13, 2018

How to Avoid Paying Credit Card Late Fees Upon signing up for a credit card you are provided a list of fees, all of which have the potential to come into play at some point in the future. While you have the opportunity to avoid late fees, this is often easier said than done. A late fee is exactly what it sounds like: a fee your credit card company charges if you don’t make the minimum payment by the due
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Why Some Credit Card Issuers Might Require a Deposit

July 6, 2018

Why Some Credit Card Issuers Might Require a Deposit Depending on your credit score and history, you may find that many (or all) credit card companies are requiring you to make a deposit. A secured credit card is one of the better ways for someone with no credit or bad credit to improve their score, all with the idea of eventually moving onto an unsecured offer in the future. What is a Secured Credit Card? Simply put, a secured credit
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