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Do You Have Bad Credit? Review Your Credit Report Today

March 6, 2019

Do you have bad credit? Are you concerned about the impact it’s having on your finances? Are you ready to implement a strategy for boosting your score? It’s frustrating to learn that you have bad credit, but important to take immediate action. The first step you should take is to conduct a thorough review of your credit report. When doing so, there are five details to focus on: Payment History This makes up 35 percent of your FICO score, so
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Look for These Things in Your First Business Credit Card

February 20, 2019

As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to make a variety of financial decisions. While some are easier to make than others, anything that comes to light deserves your full and undivided attention. Depending on the stage of your business, you may be faced with this question: what does the perfect business credit card look like? If you’ve never applied for one of these in the past, you may not know exactly what you’re looking for. Fortunately, when you focus
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5 Types of Credit Card to Consider

January 3, 2019

The more time you spend on your search for the perfect credit card the more you’ll realize that there are hundreds of offers to choose from. Understanding the most common types of credit cards can help you narrow your options. Here are five types to consider: 1. Standard Credit Card There’s nothing special about these, but that doesn’t mean they have nothing to offer. These cards are solid across the board, providing you with a revolving balance up to a
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4 Ways to Improve Your Credit Score in 2019

December 10, 2018

When was the last time you checked your credit score? Were you happy with what you saw? Do you need to take immediate action with the idea of boosting your score as soon as possible? With 2018 coming to an end, it’s time to turn your attention to the new year. This means many things in regards to your finances, including a focus on your credit score. According to Experian, credit scores fit into one of five categories: Exceptional: 800
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7 Things That Can Harm Your Good Credit Score

November 12, 2018

It takes quite a bit of time and effort, combined with sound financial decisions, to achieve a good or excellent credit score. Not only is this something to be proud of right now, but a good score is also something you want to hold onto for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, if you’re not careful, you could make a mistake that harms your credit score. Here are seven to be aware of: 1. Late Payment Get this: it only
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Magnetic Strip and Chip Credit Cards

October 21, 2018

Magnetic Strip and Chip Credit Cards: What’s the Difference? Here’s a scenario that you play out time and time again. You visit a local store, grab the items you need, and head for the cash register. At that point, you’re asked to swipe or insert your credit card. While you never think twice about the check-out process, there’s something you need to know: there are many differences between magnetic strip and chip credit cards. For many years, magnetic strip credit
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Choosing the Best Credit Card

June 13, 2017

After the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 181 million American citizens are credit cardholders. Seventy eight percent of consumers own a credit card, and the average owner has 3.5 cards. This means, that nearly everybody ought to make its own decision on choosing the best credit card offer. Just browse online or through the daily newspaper, move around the town and you will see competing offers everywhere. In this situation, what are the most important factors to consider while deciding?
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Credit Card Advantages

Credit cards have many advantages if used judiciously. It fulfills all your needs. You can buy anything with a credit card. Because of various benefits the card provides to the users, everyone from teenagers to retirees in the United States has credit cards. Convenient to shop : Credit card is very much convenient to buy anything anywhere. If you are on a shopping spree and want to buy so many things at different shops in a market, credit card will
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Great Rate Credit Cards

Average credit cards are usually low on features and carry higher rates when compared to other credit cards. Most of the credit cards that consumers will find online are designed for people with very good credit or poor credit.   However, in today’s market, the average credit scores nationwide for consumers have been trending downward. This is forcing banks and credit card issuers to focus on consumers who have fair to average credit more so than they have in the
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